What is a bucket list? It is a list of things such as activities that you are going to do before you die. The message you need to hear is: do the things you always wanted to do before it's too late. You are doing something that you have never done before. Don't wait for death to knock on your door. I always think of things that I really want to do or learn before I die, but I never actually wrote it down so I've forgotten a lot of things for my bucket list. Here is my list so far.
Click here to see photo's and video's of my bucketlist adventures!

1. Travel the world
2. Go to Times Square and and kiss a stranger at midnight for New Year 
3. Go to every continent
4. Start my own film label
5. Go to London to see Les Misérables the musical
6. Open my own webstore
7. Harry Potter movie marathon without falling asleep
8. Go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Florida
9. Publish a book
10. Get a tattoo
11. Ride in a hot air balloon
12. Run the New York City Marathon
13. Work with Tim Burton
14. Raise €1000 for Random Acts
15. Start a flashmob/be part of a flashmob
16. Participate in the Four Days Marches/Nijmeegse Vierdaagse
17. Swim with dolphins
18. Meet Johnny Depp
19. Learn to say "I love you" in 50 different languages
20. Spend an entire day in the train reading a book
21. Let go of a floating lantern
22. My own name in the end credits of a film
23. Go to Australia
24. See a show on West End
25. See the Seven Wonders of the World
26. Celebrate New Year twice in one day. Start in Sydney and then fly to Hawaï. (timetravel omg)
27. Archery lessons
28. Karaoke themed birthday party
29. Survive on €40 (or less) for all whole month
30. Celebrate my 30th birthday
31. Meet Team Starkid
32. Visit a Team Starkid concert
33. Visit the Dolphin Academy
34. See a Starkid prodcution live
35. Go to a book signing
36. Visit every Pathé cinema in The Netherlands
37. Go to Leaky Con/ Geeky Con
38. Make brick pants
39. Watch the same movie at least 10 times in the cinema
40. Celebrate my 40th birthday
41. MBO Theaterschool diploma
42. Carve my name into a tree
42. Take pictures underwater
43. Make ice cream
44. Sleep under the stars
45. Dance and sing in the rain (Gene Kelly style)
46. Celebrate New Year's Eve in Disneyland
47. Send a message in a bottle
48. Meet Darren Criss
49. Visit the Harry Potter Studio Tour 
50. Celebrate my 50th birthday
51. Go into a taxi and yell "follow that car!"
52. See the Statue of Liberty
53. Visit all U.S. states
54. Bake every single thing in a cookbook
55. Play messy twister
56. Ride water taxi at Venice
57. Write a letter to my future self
58. Travel first class
59. See the Grand Canyon
60. See the Northern lights
61. Go to Hawaii
62. Go to the airport and buy a ticket for a random flight
63. See a lantern festival
64. Spend new years at Disney
65. Visit the Louvre
66. Drive down Route 66
67. Take a picture everyday for a year
68. See Stonehenge
69. Go ziplining
70. Make a wish at the Trevi Fountain in Rome
71. Meet Pittacus Lore/James Frey

More to follow :)

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